There are no rules for good photographs,
there are only good photographs.
Since 2002
A little magical year. This year, my first attempts as an artistic photographer began. Due to the effect that I'm graphic artist, I started to take photos on digital camera. It leats the path to subsequent processing and postproduction. At that time, I worked in an advertising agency, and fine photographs were always needed. In this case I chose ad pictures and later also art photos.

I'm creative
An unthoughtful part of every good photographer is the ability to get the most out of a place, light or object. My photos are what I see. Sometimes enough, is enough to create a perfect piece of work. I like perfection, both technical and visual.
I prefer photos that I can catch in my hand
That unreplaceable feeling when you are holding a photo in your hands. Something physical, something durable. That's what today's people are missing in the Internet. Print your photos on high quality paper and you will know that feeling. The memories are blurry, photographs stays.
Inspiring Photos
I take inspiration from everyday simple life.
What inspire you ?